[1] 食品及中药功能成分及活性开发
[2] 功能食品与肠道微生态
[3] 天然产物分离与活性开发
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(编号:32402108), 2025-01-01 至 2027-12-31, 在研, 主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:81973441), 2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31, 结题, 参与
[3] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(编号:U1703107), 2018-01-01 至 2020-12-31,结题, 参与
[4] 国家自然科学基金国家重点研发项目(编号:2018YFC1707300), 2018-12 至 2021-12,结题, 参与
[5] 横向课题,胃康灵胶囊药效及药效物质研究, 2020-05 至 2022-12,结题, 项目主要完成人
[1] Wang Mengajiao, Zhang Guozhong, Guo Jinbiao, He Xihong, Zhang Liming*, Liu Feng*. Study on the physicochemical properties and gut microbiota regulation of Poria cocos pachyman treated by ball milling. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2024, 277, 134399. 通讯作者
[2] Feng Liu, Haoran Ding, Mengyue Wang, Xiaobo Li*, A Multi-Evaluating Strategy for Weikangling Capsules: Chemical Profiling, Fingerprinting Combined with Quantitative Analysis, Quantity Transfer, and Dissolution Curve, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2021, 206, 114347.
[3] Feng Liu, Xiaojing Nong, Wenhua Qu, Xiaobo Li*, Weikangling capsules combined with omeprazole ameliorates ethanol-induced chronic gastritis by regulating gut microbiota and EGF-EGFR-ERK pathway, Life Sciences. 2023, 315, 121368.
[4] Feng Liu, Xiaojing Nong, Wenhua Qu, Xiaobo Li*, Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of 12 major pharmacodynamic substances in normal and chronic gastritis rats after oral administration of Weikangling capsules, Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2023, 316, 116722.
[5] Feng Liu, Qi Zhang, Xueyuan, Yang, Yaru Xi, Xuke Zhang, Huimei Wang, Yuanqiang Guo*, Cytotoxic diterpenoids as potential anticancer agents from the twigs of Casearia kurzii, Bioorganic Chemistry 2019, 89, 102995.
[6] Feng Liu, Bangjian Dong, Xueyuan Yang, Yuling Yang, Jie Zhang, Yuanqiang Guo*, NO inhibitors function as potential anti-neuroinflammatory agents for AD from the flowers of Inula japonica, Bioorganic Chemistry 2018, 77, 168-175.
[7] Feng Liu, Xueyuan Yang, Jun Ma, Yuling Yang, Chunfeng Xie, Yuanqiang Guo*, Nitric oxide inhibitory daphnane diterpenoids as potential anti-neuroinflammatory agents for AD from the twigs of Trigonostemon thyrsoideus, Bioorganic Chemistry 2017, 75, 149–156.
[8] Feng Liu, Xueyuan Yang, Yue Liang, Bangjian Dong, Guochen Su, Yuanqiang Guo*, Daphnane diterpenoids with nitric oxide inhibitory activities and interactions with iNOS from the leaves of Trigonostemon thyrsoideus, Phytochemistry 2017, 147, 57-67.
[9] Feng Liu#, Jun Ma#, Zhaoyu Shi#, Qi Zhang, Huimei Wang, Yuanqiang Guo *, Clerodane Diterpenoids isolated from the leaves of Casearia graveolens, Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83, 36-44.
[10] Xiaocong Sun#, Feng Liu#, Xueyuan Yang, Jinghan Wang, Bangjian Dong, Yuanqiang Guo*, Seco-labdane diterpenoids from the leaves of Callicarpa nudiflora showing nitric oxide inhibitory activity, Phytochemistry 2018, 149, 31-41.
[1] 李晓波,王梦月,刘峰,丁浩然,上海交通大学 同时测定胃康灵胶囊指纹图谱及多指标成分含量的方法: 中国, 发明专利,申请号:202011616763
[2] 李晓波,刘峰, 申请单位:黑龙江葵花药业 一种均一的水溶性多糖及其制备方法与应用 :中国, 发明专利,申请号:202210730818.3
传 真:022-60602298
Email: fengliu2023@tust.edu.cn